Monday, January 30, 2012

Capitol Commission Ministry

This past Sunday, our church had a rather abnormal service. Instead of the traditional songs and sermon, we had a guest speaker. The Reverend Matthew Barnes. He introduced himself, played a slideshow/video and begin to explain his purpose for being there.

God called him to go into full-time ministry seven years ago. He quit his job, or ministry as he called it, at Home Depot, and waited on God to give him his assignment. Matthew had no idea what God wanted his ministry to be, but he knew this was what he was supposed to do.

One day after reading 1 Timothy 2:1-2, I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority, he felt God pressing it on his heart for him and his family to start praying for their capitol leaders. Soon after that, he decided to take it to the next level. He wanted to go meet his senator and representative and personally ask them what he could specifically pray for. 

So he went to the state house and met his senator, as well as his mission in life. After meeting with him, his senator asked if he was a minister. He told them yes he was. He was then asked to begin their session with prayer, for they didn't have anyone to do so. 

Afterwards, Senator Dennis Cruse spent two hours discussing his doctrine, ministry, and personal life with him. This lead to him being the chaplain of the state house. 

His next assignment was to be the leader of their Bible study that they had every day before they started their sessions. His first encounter with this was quite humorous. 
He had been asked to leave the room because only senators and representatives could be in there for their Bible study. He complied and spent the entire time outside the door studying and memorizing scripture. a little while afterwards the same women who had kicked him out, asked him if he was a minister. When he told her that he was she asked him if he would lead their Bible study. He agreed. He wasn't quite prepared for what he was getting himself into. As he was getting ready to teach, he notice that not only was he the youngest one their, but the Governor was there as well. Fighting off nervousness he tried to pretend that these were merely old colleagues whom he had taught when they were teens. He got through it and has been their Bible study leader ever since. 

He founded his ministry, Public Servant's Prayer, in the late Fall of 2004. It has flourished abundantly into a nationwide ministry. His hope and prayer is that he can get a volley of prayers for our nation's leaders. To find out how you can help visit:

Remember, our nation's leaders carry the wait of the world on their shoulders. You can help relieve that stress by simply sending up a prayer for them. 

Friday, January 27, 2012


I have been wanting to have a blog of my own for some time. Ever since my mom started one, I thought of how I could influence, or rather encourage young people of my own age. I want to serve the Lord with my whole heart.  In a way, this is serving Him. Through my writing I can spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and show other people how God is working in my life. The pen is mightier than the sword!
To start things off, I am an all time inexperienced writer. The talent I have (or think I have) is all from the Lord. I can't take any credit for it, at all! If I did, I would be lying to myself and to everyone else. :)
I am sort of random. When I want to be.
I have nine other siblings. All biological! I had somebody ask me that the other day when I told them that we had ten kids. Unfortunately I couldn't see their face. :) Anyway, back to what I was saying, yes I have nine other siblings and it's lots of fun. Let me tell you! I pity every only child that is out there. I know it's not their fault, or anyone else's, but I still pity them.
My parents have not always been saved. A lot of people we meet automatically assume that they have been....until we tell them otherwise. To read our family's testimony click here.
Our family has a singing ministry that started back in 2002. Well really it started in 2000, but I'll save that for another blog post.
I really can't think of anything else that you need to know that you won't find out unless you keep reading my blog. So on that note, I will say Ta-Ta for now!