I’ve been absent for quite some time. I honestly did not
mean for that to happen. Time ebbs away too easily it seems. Especially the
older you get. At least that’s what it feels like. Truth be told, every time I
have tried to write a blog post I get caught up in socializing with other
people, searching other things, and forgetting that I needed to write a blog
post. Honestly, I didn’t feel inspired. I generally don’t write unless I feel a
desire to do so.
Nevertheless, I have been going through quite a bit. There are certain areas of my life that I would like to share with you. Hopefully when you read the different posts you will be encouraged and maybe even convicted. If I haven’t made this clear enough already, my goal for this blog is to encourage and bless any and everyone who reads it. I see this blog as a journal of sorts. I’m documenting my spiritual journey, (though sometimes the posts don’t always follow that guideline).
What I will do is give you an overview of what I have been
up to. Then I’ll go into detail in a few of the areas that God has been working
heavily in my life. It may take some time to get this all written, but that’s
The last post that I wrote was on my graduation party. What
have I done since? Anything and everything! Or…so it seems.
have fifteen piano students. I divided it up to where I teach them on three
different days of the week. That takes up quite a bit of time. Plus I’m getting
sewing lessons in exchange for teaching piano. Absolutely love exchanging trades.
I have been writing as often as I can. By writing I mean
working on my novels. I have three in the works. The main one I am working on
is the second rough draft of my World War Two novel. I am really trying to get
that one finished. My hope and prayer is to get it published someday soon. I’m
still praying about which publishing house I want to go with, and how to find a
literary agent. That is one scary thought. I have no idea how it will all work out so I
am simply leaving it up to God to provide me with one.
My family has been busy with singing engagements and
different functions. Corrie’s baptism/our fall party is this Sunday. We have
preparation for that to work on.
I have been continuing with my own piano lessons. God worked it
out to where I would be able to further my piano education. That was truly
amazing how the Lord opened the door for that one. I am still awed at how He
made that happen.
I have a new sister! Sabrina Lynn. Beautiful six year old.
She is actually our second cousin, but the Lord allowed us to obtain
guardianship of her. She is such a blessing. I am planning on doing an entire
post on that one. You’ll get all of the details on that situation, most of them
That’s about all of the major things happening in my life. There
are little things in between the cracks of these main things that I will share
with you. I know God wants me to share them with you all. He has laid it on my
heart to do so.
Stay tuned for the next few blog posts that are certain to follow.
God bless you!
Thankful life is slowing down a bit again and returning to "normal" (normal for us, anyway!).